Tag Archives: IBM patents

How Wimbledon and Watson use AI to edit autofocus for video (Part 3)

This collaborative approach really helps to show the role of people in training AI systems – at least so far. How far away are we to automate the data collection process? Boyden said that we could have done 70% or 80% of them in an automated way – this number is positive when coaching, but the challenge we have at Wimbledon is that the league requires 100% accuracy at all times.

In the future, a series of changes will be possible and Watson will gradually take on more responsibilities. Currently, it is only supporting people, but in the future, it may begin to make its own recommendations, which will then be confirmed by a tennis expert.

Objectives from this partnership:

Increase the fan experience on the platform by accelerating and improving the match focus production process over a 13-day period.

Expand the content by creating a solution that makes it easy to scale, providing highlights from the Wimbledon stadiums that have never been used before. Support Wimbledon’s strategic goal, reduce dependence on third parties, thereby helping Wimbledon enhance control of the output quality of the content.

Create quality outputs to hand over to international broadcast partners.

Reduce the pressure on editorial and content groups, allowing them to focus on other areas that add value to the content. Contribute to improving video performance on all Wimbledon platforms in the Championship.

In the competitive digital and sports environment, Cognitive Highlighs helped attract 69.9 million digital hits in the Championship (69.4 million in 2016) and 436 million page views (395 million in 2016)

14.4 million views of new accent videos were created without human intervention.

A total of 250 premium packages were created, an increase of 252% from the 2016 Championship.

Reduce turnaround time from a minimum of one hour to 15 minutes.

Automating the highlighting process of the match allows the content team to focus on serving the digital community, creating a total of 200 million video views on all platforms.

Outstanding scenes that are not used (due to limited rights) continue to be utilized by the team to maintain the audience’s engagement outside the Championship.

The new Cognitive Highlight approach drew the attention of the press with Wimbledon’s digital platforms, with 247 articles earning over 31 countries up 21%.

This is the first technical solution that uses existing IBM patents.