Tag Archives: fitness trends

Smart technology applications will drive fitness trends in 2020

In 2020, it is predicted that five gymers do not like to go to the gym anymore but apply online technology to practice at home. Here are the fitness trends that are expected to attract interest in 2019, according to Healthline.

Practice at home

Physical training is no longer restricted to the gym. Home exercise is expected to become popular during the new year. You can build a gym in your own home by using streaming technology. Technology applications allow you to keep track of classes taking place elsewhere, saving you a lot of time and money.

Short exercises

Science has proven that no exercise is too short, every minute of movement can be effective. Repeating a 10-minute workout three times has the same benefits as exercising for 30 minutes in a row. High intensity exercise, also known as HIIT, is also in this trend.

High intensity exercise produces the same and sometimes better results than long-term exercise because your heart rate will then increase and help burn more calories. The New Year trend will focus heavily on combining HIIT with exercises like yoga, stretching, zumba and pilates.


Martial arts such as boxing are expected to attract a large number of participants in the new year. Boxing is a great way to train at high intensity, while giving you the feeling of excitement as a warrior. People who participate in this sport often feel more fulfilled when they train through combat movements.

Technology applications

Sports equipment will become smarter in 2019. Smart treadmill and other fitness devices are also equipped with streaming.

These smart apps let you cycle and track progress on your tablet. The screen will display images of hills or other obstacles to simulate training intensity. In addition, you can connect and compete with other users.

The smart tracking device

Personal tracking devices like Apple Watch or Fitbit will continue to be widely used in 2019.Accuracy plays a key role. Users want to track calories burned, heart rate, sleep duration, intensity and duration of exercise.


We often just focus on physical exercise but forget about relaxation so that the body can recover after vigorous exercise. Taking time to massage and relax muscles plays a major role in muscle growth as well as overall health. This year’s relaxation trends focus on meditation, self-care habits and breathing techniques.